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Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

Lake Bandung(belum selesai)

Descriptive Text
Lake Bandung

Lake Bandung is located in andan wangi street,Bandung village,Lamongan.
Lake Bandung is one of the recreational areas in the Lamongan, because of its low cost is not uncommon to many people visited this place,This place is also very clean and shady because of the many trees surrounding.lake Bandung usually visited by many people when the school holidays,children and parents come to enjoy the facilities there.

Lake Bandung have high entrance ,There are a lot of trees around the gate and also road made of stone.

The lake bandung has a playground area for childreen located in front of the entrance , such as swing and glide.which is usually visited by many people such as childreen and her parents because is a beautifull scenery and fresh air.

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